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纳粹二战工程 第二季

纳粹二战工程 第二季 (2015)


别名:Nazi Mega Weapons Season 2

类型:纪录 战争 



单集片长:44 分钟

主演:Sternkiker François Ash Holmes 




纳粹二战工程 第二季 剧情简介· · · · · ·


  Did you know, in the quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military hardware and malevolent technology in history?

  Creating huge terror machines, hi-tech superguns and some of the original weapons of mass destruction, their aim was to control a nation, conquer a continent and win the war!

  Nazi Megastructures uncovers the hidden remains of Hitler’s most ambitious Megastructures, telling the stories of the engineering geniuses that designed them and revealing how these structures sparked a technological revolution that changed warfare forever.


  Nazi Megastructures: V1: Hitler's Vengeance Missile

  In retaliation for Allied bombing raids, Hitler ordered the development of the V1. The first cruise missile, it changed the face of war forever.

  Nazi Megastructures: Hitler's Siegfried Line

  The campaign to breach Hitler's 400 mile-long Siegfried Line took more than six months and cost the American forces 140,000 casualties.

  Nazi Megastructures: The Wolf's Lair

  A secret headquarters of concrete and steel is the heart of Hitler’s plans for domination and the key to a Nazi conspiracy - the Wolf’s Lair.

  Nazi Megastructures: Himmler's SS

  In a quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest, deadliest pieces of military hardware and malevolent technology in history.

  Nazi Megastructures: Hitler's Megaships

  The Bismarck and Tirpitz were battleships of record breaking proportions, ultimate status symbols of the Third Reich and hunted by the Allies.

  Nazi Megastructures: Kamikaze Suicide Bombers

  As America closes in on Japan in 1944, the Japanese turn to desperate new tactics: killer planes and super torpedoes guided by human pilots.

纳粹二战工程 第二季

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