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Mega Mechanics

Mega Mechanics (2018)


别名:Aussie Mega Mechanics




单集片长:48 分钟

导演:Glenn Wilkinson 

主演:Paul Davies 


地区:澳大利亚 Australia



Mega Mechanics 剧情简介· · · · · ·

  Mining draglines and bucket wheels, excavators and airlines, crushers and ship lifts, dredgers and dozers - these are just some of the mega machines that drive multi billion dollar industries. Breakdowns can be catastrophic so it's up to the skill and experience of Mega Mechanics to keep the wheels in motion, the gears turning and the hydraulics pumping. Mega Mechanics is a new 6 x 48 minute observational documentary series following some of Australia's best mechanics, fitters and engineers as they work on the biggest machines in the country. Whether it's replacing jet engines on an A330 or craning a 10 tonne jig elevator bucket out of the roof of a 5 story coal preparation plant, cutting a half a million dollar high-voltage cable or holding back a flood of more than 1.7 million megalitres of water to maintain a dam wall - the dangers are very real, the risks constant and, a mistake could be fatal. The conditions, as well as the machines, are tough; our Mega Mechanics work beside mountains of coal, or in a mining pit with temperatures soaring past 40 Degrees Celsius. Jobs take them to the highest heights and deep underground. There's machinery that has been around for more than one hundred years and then there's the latest technology leading the way. Go behind the scenes with Mega Mechanics and see what it takes to keep huge machines operational. Meet the people who must maintain these heavy metal wonders of industry, who are constantly faced with challenges to overcome and who must manage extreme risks on a day to day basis.

  译文(2): 采矿拖缆和斗轮、挖掘机和航空公司、破碎机和轮船升降机、挖泥船和推土机——这些只是驱动数十亿美元产业的巨型机器中的一部分。故障可能是灾难性的,所以这取决于技能和经验的巨型机械,以保持车轮运动,齿轮转动和液压泵。《超级机械师》是一部新的6 x 48分钟的观察性纪录片系列,讲述了一些澳大利亚最好的机械师、装配工和工程师在澳大利亚最大的机器上工作的故事。无论是在 A330上更换喷气发动机,还是在5层楼高的选煤厂屋顶上吊起一个10吨重的跳汰机吊桶,切断价值50万美元的高压电缆,抑或是阻挡170多万兆升的洪水来维持大坝的墙壁——这些危险都是真实存在的,风险是不变的,而且一个错误可能是致命的。这里的条件和机器一样艰苦,我们的超级机械师要么在堆积如山的煤堆旁工作,要么在温度飙升至40摄氏度以上的矿坑里工作。工作把他们带到最高的高度和地下深处。有些机器已经存在了一百多年了,还有最新的技术在领先。去幕后与巨型机械,看看需要什么,以保持巨大的机器操作。这些人必须保持这些重金属工业奇迹,他们不断面临着挑战,必须克服和管理极端风险的日常基础。

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